
(a) Setting up, modification, implementation, investigation of accounting system.

(b) Trust service (formerly named webtrust service)--special services licensed by AICPA & HKICPA

(c) Coaching Services

Coaching is a process whereby the coach acts as a 'mirror', a 'sounding board', a 'challenger', an 'encourage', to empower the individual to achieve breakthrough results in a compressed time frame.

Coaching service can be on a:-

(i) One-to-one basis, where the business executive is coached to achieve a business goal (6 months program); or

(ii) Team Coaching basis where the whole team is coached to achieve a project or team goal (4 to 6 months)

Vincent has experience in investigating the accounting system of a company in the PRC and Hong Kong. The Client is a manufacturing company that was awarded ISO9001. Vincent has been trained in the ISO9000 system for SMEs. Vincent and his ISO specialist team have been successful in helping clients to be ISO certificated in ISO9001, ISO14001, BS OHSAS18001, etc..

Dominic Tai

Dominic is a UK-trained Chartered Accountant and a Hong Kong practising accountant. He is also a Certified Behavioural Consultant--authorised to administer the profile instruments of "The Personality System" (D.I.S.C.) and an Executive Coach, a graduate of the Corporate Coach University "Corporate Coaching Program--Asia".